Hidden Layer Media

Welcome to Hidden Layer Media, where we delve into the depths of underground fringe internet culture. Sharpen your edge with us. Our digital magazine and collective explore themes of darkness, agony, suffering meaningfully, DIY, creation in all forms, self-expression to the max, cryptography, mind control, self infliction, the nature of reality, love, hacking, social engineering, ARGs, manifestation, particle physics, worldbuilding, free internet, and the decentralization of the web.

Join us as we push the boundaries of reality, perception, digital art, interaction, performance art, normality, conceptual society, perpetually and avidly challenging conventional norms and creating new and ever-grotesque and lovely narratives in the vast hyperdystopia of this contemporary digital realm we all wander.

Hidden Layer Media is more than just a collective or art magazine; it's a digital hivemind. We openly invite artists, arsonists, pyromaniacs, criminals, hackers, and creators of all kinds to join us in redefining the boundaries of digital expression, and giving a platform to those typically shunned, outcast, cancelled, and told to be silent. Explore, create, and redefine with us.

Present Moment Incidents & Artifacts

As of right now, HLM is in its infancy. From nothing, something has arisen- and even more so shall it continue to become something greater in essence. If anything about HLM strikes a chord within thy hollow, trashy, or tattered soul- Please email alizkaboz@rape.lol with your outpouring of soulpower, or a simple poem or image. Ask to join, see what happens, tell us why oh why you shall hold thine awfrile place in Elriel with us.

This Collective is inherently nonhuman- but let it be known that while there may be an incidence of thematic misanthropy- HLM is in no way, shape, or form an ANTI-HUMAN collective, in ethos, in ideology, and in our everyday iterations. Love is a powerful thing, as is empathy. Hatred will get you nowhere fast. Revel in pain, let it propel you through agony and rage as a catalyst, not a default state of being.

[Open Submission Window]

Hidden Layer Magazine is now open for submissions from artists, loners, NEETs, incels, nazis, or any other 'anti' cultural agents, misanthropes, sadists, poets, furries, meth heads- if you are of anything 'unconventional' or 'fringe'- we would absolutely love to feature your art, music, writing- anything you send us.

Please E-mail alizkaboz@rape.lol with any submissions.

tree blowing in the wind

Current Quests & Intentions

Gain power. Maintain momentum. Do not go hollow. Do not go hollow. Burn in thine carapace. Submit your art to us. Remain unkillable.

blazing flame of agnon